"We have lost the art of living, and in the most important science of all, the science of daily life, the science of behavior, we are complete ignoramuses. We have psychology instead."
-D.H. Lawrence

"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sexual Exposure

 Humans are sexual beings in nature. Being exposed to sexual behavior while doing normal everyday things like watching television makes us more highly to be very sexual in nature. For some people being exposed to sexual behavior early can lead to early involvement in sexual activities, but it is not true for everyone.  Being exposed isn’t the only factor that leads to early involvement, the environment and way you are exposed to it affects how early or late a person starts participating is sexual activities.
 The side of sexual behavior we as a society are mostly exposed to through television, movies, and music is the easy, no consequence side. We are exposed to couples falling in love and consummating their love through sex, or young adults participating in casual sex or one night stands.  Being exposed to these things so frequently makes is socially acceptable in society more so than it’s ever been.  We are also exposed to the notion that participating in sexual activities can get us basically anything we want, and mostly teenagers being naïve, see this as a good thing; girls maybe to get a guy to fall in love with them, and guys just to become popular among their friends about how many girls they have had sex with.  
 You may ask the question, why is there so much exposure to sexual behavior? For ages society has been exposed to sexual behavior, but in the past it was done with more discretion with underground whore houses and brothels. Now we as a society have a want for this material, it entices us, that’s why television and movies companies always have at least one scene where there is some sort of sexual activity being portrayed.  At least two shows on every channel, every night show some sort of sexual behavior and at least three movies that open every month also have some sort of sexual activity prevalent.
 There is still a whole another side to participating in sexual activities, the side that includes unplanned pregnancies (including teenage and single parent pregnancies) and the contraction of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). Though there are movies and television shows about the down sides to promiscuous behavior, no one really wants to see it that’s why it is not as popular. People like to be optimistic, not worrying about the down side until it’s too late to anything about it.
We are also not exposed to the emotional side of being sexually active. Casual sex or friends with benefits eventually leave a mark on the person participating in it and sometimes is can give them a skewed view of the world.

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