"We have lost the art of living, and in the most important science of all, the science of daily life, the science of behavior, we are complete ignoramuses. We have psychology instead."
-D.H. Lawrence

"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Distance Learning

New technologies make learning virtually possible from anywhere in the world. With the implement of online classes it is easier for someone to get a degree especially if they do not have the time to attend regular classes because of work or other reasons. You have the capability of doing things on your own time. You are given a time window when assignments are due, so you can get them done in advance or right when they are due. Online courses have made it possible for more people to earn a degree than ever before. There are various strictly online colleges for those who do not have time to attend regular classes or online courses from regular colleges for students who maybe want to take an extra course but do not have the time to attend class.

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